Project Types

Selecting the correct project type can be tricky but it’s important you buy the right licence for your production. If you need any help, please do call us and we’ll be very happy to help you out.

Project TypeDescription
Corporate (Internal Comms)Any project that is for internal use within an organisation such as staff training. This category doesn't cover projects designed to be shown to a company's clients or customers. The licence is for three years.
Educational / ElearningAny non broadcast project designed to educate rather than sell. Licence is for 3 years public exhibition use.
App (Mobile, Tablet or Desktop)An application - that is not a computer game that will be run on a IOS, Andriod, Windows or OSX.
DVDs Sell through (Up to 10,000 units)A project that will be sold on DVD, Bluray, CD or download. This licence covers the producer for 10,000 units for three years. Please contact us if you require a higher quantity or longer period.
Online up to 1.5m viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 1.5. million views. Does not include VOD or paid pre-roll.
SpotifyAdverts for the Spotify online music service.
Direct Response TV new productA voiceover destined to be used on a home shopping programme. This project type should be used the first time an artist records a script for a product.
Direct Response TV re-recordA voiceover destined to be used on a home shopping programme. This project type should be used if an artist has already recorded a script in the past for this product.
Computer GamesGaming applications designed for platforms such as X-box, PS3, Wii and PC.
Audio BookReading of a book for commercial sale of that recording via download or physical media such as CD.
Telephone / IVR PromptsPre-recorded announcements for organisation’s internal or customer facing telephone system. This does not cover announcements for telecommunication services such as mobile phone networks and telephone providers.
Live Event IntroductionsPre-recorded announcements for live events such as conferences and concerts. This also includes live streams of up to 5000 people.
Radio Commercial (Local) up to 3 stationsUse on up to 3 local radio stations - not including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
Radio Commercial (Local) up to 6 stationsUse on up to 6 local radio stations - not including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
Radio Commercial (Local) <= 10 stationsUse on up to 10 local radio stations - not including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
Radio Commercial (Local) > 10 stationsUse on more than 10 local radio stations - not including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
Radio Commercial (National) 1 stationUse on 1 national radio stations - including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
Radio Commercial (National) 2 stationsUse on 2 national radio stations - including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
Radio Commercial (National) 3 stationsUse on 3 national radio stations - including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
Radio Commercial (National) >= 4 stationsUse on 4 national radio stations - including Classic FM, RTE Radio 1, TalkSPORT and Absolute Radio
TV Non-Drama (Primary Channels)Voiceover for non drama productions for BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 or Channel 5
TV Channel ContinuityContinuity announcements for radio or television channels.
TV PromosVoiceover for promos for other programmes on a TV channel
Radio Non Sales ContentProjects for the radio that aren't a promo or commercial.
ADRAdditional / Automatic Dialogue Replacement for TV or Cinema
Dubbing into a foreign languageDubbing of a previously produced programme into a foreign language.
TV AD up to 1 UK National TVRTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 1 National TVR.
TV AD up to 10 UK National TVRsTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 10 National TVRs.
TV AD up to 25 UK National TVRsTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 25 National TVRs.
TV AD up to 50 UK National TVRsTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 50 National TVRs.
TV AD up to 75 UK National TVRsTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 75 National TVRs.
TV AD up to 100 UK National TVRsTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 100 National TVRs.
TV AD up to 200 UK National TVRsTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 200 National TVRs.
TV AD up to 500 UK National TVRsTelevision commercial in the United Kingdom with showings of up to 500 National TVRs.
TV Non-Drama (Secondary Channels)Voiceover for non drama productions for channels other than BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 or Channel 5
CharityA recording for a registered charity. Licence is for 3 years.
Audition (unsupervised)A test recording to assess an artist's suitability for a particular job. This project type includes no usage. Should a job proceed, a normal session would need to be booked.
ChangesChanges to an existing recording. This project type includes no useage.
Online & VOD up to 50m viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 50. million views. Includes VOD or paid pre-roll.
Online & VOD up to 10m viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 10 million views. Includes VOD and paid pre-roll.
Online & VOD up to 100m viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 100 million views. Includes VOD and paid pre-roll.
TV AD - ROI (1 year)A television commercial in the Republic of Ireland. Unlimited repeats for 1 year.
Audio Editing (No VO recording)Editing of a previously recorded VO. This project type includes no usage.
Online - 1 year unlimited viewsUnlimited online usage for 1 year. Does not include VOD.
Run-on time (No usage)Extra studio time after the initial session time has run out. This project type includes no useage.
PitchVoiceover used in a pitch to get a job that may or may not finally go to the artist.
Singing (Online up to 1.5M hits)Singing for projects used online up to 1.5M views.
Appstore Usage BuyoutAdditional usage for an existing project to add use in app stores for 2 years.
Usage Extension - Additional online up to 1.5mLicence extension for projects that have already been recorded. Adding an additional online use up to 1.5m views.
Corteva B-Out 2online usage, inc social, plus events, plus available on an app downloadable from the app store.
Cube Package 1Talk Radio and Internet up to 523,000 impressions
Corteva B-Out - Second edit usage[Second edit from existing session] online usage, inc social, plus events, plus available on an app downloadable from the app store.
Online up to 3m viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 3 million views.
Corteva B-Out 2 Usage(No Session) online usage, inc social, plus events, plus available on an app downloadable from the app store.
Tentacle - Bitesize 7-11 Key stage 2 AnimationsEducational Content for BBC Bitesize education. To be used the bitesize website and other online platforms for 5 years.
Online & VOD up to 15m viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 15 million views. Includes VOD and paid pre-roll.
LH 6 month usageUsage for TV commercials, unlimited TVRs for 6 months plus 1m online views.
Usage Extension to 10M views from 1.5MNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 10 million views. Includes VOD and paid pre-roll.
Online & VOD up to 37m viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 50. million views. Includes VOD or paid pre-roll.
Nicely / Voda SessionZero usage session to be used with the Vodafone project with usage already purchased.
Usage Extension for an additional 140M viewsNon broadcast projects destined to be viewed on websites and online platforms such as Youtube up to 140 million views. Includes VOD and paid pre-roll.
LH 1 month usage 1 x months for UK TV & BVOD, online, paid social and amazon ecomm. Online not geolocked.
LH 1 month usage (Aus)1 x months for Australian TV & BVOD, online, paid social and amazon ecomm. Online not geolocked.
Audition (supervised)A test recording to assess an artist's suitability for a particular job. This project type includes no usage. Should a job proceed, a normal session would need to be booked.